How To Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos?

Discover how to propagate cebu blue pothos from cuttings! Let’s talk about making this plant thrive in moss, LECA, and water. Rooting it is easy, so if you’ve found a cutting, here’s your guide on turning it into a beautiful, leafy companion!

How to propagate cebu blue pothos

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a quick guide on growing Cebu blue pothos from cuttings! I’ve covered regular pothos before on how to propagate pothos, but here’s the lowdown.

Pothos plants are everywhere, but some types are a bit trickier to track down. That makes them more in demand and pricier, so folks often go for smaller cuttings instead of splurging on a whole plant.

The Cebu blue pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’) is a gorgeous trailing plant known for its stunning bluish-green leaves. As the Cebu blue matures, the leaves develop a cracked texture and silver overlay that creates beautiful variegation.

If you already have a Cebu blue pothos and want more plants, propagating it is easy. There are a few different methods you can use to root Cebu blue cuttings and create new potted pothos plants for yourself or to give as gifts.

For more propagation posts, check out my tips for how to propagate Umbrella Planthow to propagate Ric Rac Cactus, and how to propagate snake plants!

Supplies Needed

Before taking any Cebu blue pothos cuttings, gather these supplies:

  • Sterilized pruners or sharp scissors
  • Cutting container (jar, vase, etc.)
  • Rooting medium (water, soilless mix, sphagnum moss)
  • Small pots
  • Potting mix
  • Clear plastic bags (optional)

Make sure your tools and containers are clean to prevent bacteria or fungal issues when rooting.

Selecting Cebu Blue Pothos Cuttings

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Choose healthy stems with 3-5 leaves when collecting Cebu blue pothos cuttings. Look for growth tips and stems with visible node lines where new roots can emerge.

So, what’s a node? Basically, it’s where the leaf hangs out with the stem. Also, keep an eye out for those small light brown nubs on the plant’s stem—they’re the starting point for aerial roots, and they play nice when you’re spreading the plant love!

The best sections have leaves that are fully developed and firm but not overly mature or large. Soft new growth tends to root more easily than old wood.

Pro Tip: Take multiple cuttings at once in case some fail to thrive. Mature blue pothos plants yield more successful propagations over juvenile plants.

Making the Cut

Using sterilized shears, cut each stem right below a node line. Slice at an angle to expose more surface area to the rooting medium.

Remove the lowest set of leaves by gently pulling down until they pop off. This helps redirect the plant’s energy into producing roots rather than keeping unnecessary foliage alive.

Place cuttings into your sanitized container filled with water/media.

Rooting Methods

There are a few different ways to root Cebu blue cuttings: in water, soil, sphagnum moss, LECCA, or another propagation medium.

Propagating Cebu Blue Pothos in Water

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Propagating pothos in water is an easy and reliable method to get new pothos plants. The bright green leaves and easy-to-grow nature make pothos a popular houseplant for beginners and experts alike. With just a few stems placed in water, you’ll have a whole new pot of trailing vines in no time!

Choosing Cuttings

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Examine your pothos plant and select a few stems that are a good length with at least 3-4 leaf nodes. Each node is a place where adventitious roots can potentially grow from when submerged under water. Stems that are woody or thin may not root as successfully as other cuttings.

Making the Cut

Use sharp shears or a knife to snip 3-5 inch segments right below the node. Cut at an angle to expose more surface area. Remove the lowest leaves but leave the remaining foliage so photosynthesis can still occur. Place freshly cut stems directly into a small jar of water.

Rooting in Water

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Fill jars with fresh room temperature water. It should completely cover the cut ends of the pothos stems while the leaves remain above the water line. Change the water at least once per week to prevent rot.

Providing Ideal Conditions

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Set vessels near a bright window out of direct sun. Indirect light encourages root growth over low light locations. Maintain water temperatures around 70° F. New white knobby roots will begin forming from the nodes in 2-3 weeks.

Transplanting with Roots

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Once the pothos cuttings have developed a robust root system 2+ inches in size, they’re ready for potting up! Gently loosen new plants and transfer into small pots with well-draining houseplant soil. The newly propagated pothos vines can then be displayed around your living space.

In just 1-2 months you’ll achieve lush pothos plants for free – and have fun watching the propagation process in clear jars. It’s incredibly satisfying growing new vines formed from simple water cuttings. Give it a try!

Change the water every few days to prevent bacteria growth. Roots may emerge in as little as two weeks.

Propagating Cebu Blue Pothos in Soil

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

The cebu blue pothos is adored for its distinctive silvery-blue foliage. Propagating this variety at home allows you to create more of these gorgeous trailing plants to decorate with or give as unique gifts. Soil propagation is a simple and reliable way to multiply your cebu blue pothos.

Taking Cuttings

Use clean scissors or shears to take 6 inch tip cuttings from a healthy cebu blue plant. Slice below a node so there is at least one node (those eye-shaped scars) on the bare stem.

Preparing Soil

Fill small pots with a lightweight, sterile seedling mix that drains well. Water thoroughly and let excess moisture drain out before planting.

Inserting Stems

Poke holes in the soil with a chopstick spaced a few inches apart. Carefully insert each cebu blue stem at an angle, burying a few nodes in the soil. Leave at least two leaves above the soil.

Providing Warmth & Humidity

Cover pots with a clear plastic bag to create a greenhouse environment. Mist gently every few days. Keep pots around 70°F out of direct sun. These conditions encourage faster root production.

Checking Root Growth

Lift the plastic periodically to check soil moisture and peek for new white root strands emerging from the buried nodes. Look for nubby cebu blue pothos roots in approximately 4-6 weeks.

Once several inches of healthy roots have formed, transplant each cebu blue pothos into individual pots with drainage holes. Gradually introduce them to brighter light over the next two weeks. In a couple months you’ll have a lush, full hanging basket of propagated blue pothos vines!

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in moss

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in moss

One effective method is propagating cebu blue cuttings in sphagnum moss, a type of moss that’s great for promoting new root growth. Here’s a step-by-step guide to propagating cebu blue pothos in sphagnum moss.

Step 1 – Prepare the Sphagnum Moss

Fill your clean plastic container most of the way with fresh sphagnum moss so it’s pressed down firmly. Use distilled or filtered water to moisten the moss so it’s damp but not saturated. Poke a few small drainage holes in the container’s bottom.

Step 2 – Insert the Cebu Blue Cuttings

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in moss

With tweezers or chopsticks, make small holes in the moist moss spaced a few inches apart. Carefully insert each cebu blue stem cutting at an angle so at least one node is buried in the moss.

Step 3 – Provide Ideal Conditions

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in moss

Loosely cover the container top with a plastic bag to lock in humidity. Keep out of direct sunlight but in a moderately-lit room around 70°F. The increased humidity and reduced light stress the pothos, triggering faster root growth.

Step 4 – Check for Root Development

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in moss

Peek under the bag once a week without fully removing it. Look to see if any white pothos roots have formed from the stem nodes buried in the moss. Also check that the sphagnum moss is still lightly damp – remist with water if needed.

Step 5 – Transplant with Roots 2 Inches Long

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in moss

Once white, fuzzy cebu blue pothos roots grow to about 2 inches long, the cuttings are ready for potting! Gently tease apart the roots and transplant each into a starter pot with potting mix, then water well. Gradually introduce to brighter light over 2 weeks.

With the right care, this propagating method will have lots of blue pothos cuttings rooting new plants in 4 to 8 weeks. Follow these simple steps for propagating success!

Rooting cebu blue cuttings in LECA

How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in Lecca

LECA, or light expanded clay aggregate, has become a popular soilless medium for propagating houseplant cuttings. The clay pebbles allow for plenty of air circulation while providing support and drainage. Here’s a step-by-step guide to rooting cebu blue pothos in LECA.

Step 1: Prepare the Cuttings

Use clean, sharp scissors or shears to take 6 inch cebu blue pothos cuttings just below a node. Remove the bottom leaves. Put the cuttings in water until you’re ready to plant them.

Step 2: Rinse the LECA

Place the LECA pellets into a colander and rinse them thoroughly to get rid of any dust. Then soak the pellets in distilled water for 30 minutes before drainage.

Step 3. Fill the Propagation Vessel

Rooting cebu blue cuttings in LECA

Place soaked LECA at the bottom of a clear glass vase, jar or other vessel ~3 inches deep. Cover the bottom so it will support the cuttings.

Step 4. Insert the Cuttings

Gently insert each cebu blue cutting at least halfway into the LECA, spacing them evenly apart. Ensure at least 2 leaf nodes are buried.

Step 5. Hydrate

Fill the vase with distilled water just below the lowest leaves. Give the LECA a thorough soaking, then allow excess water to drain out.

Step 6. Provide Light & Wait

Rooting cebu blue cuttings in LECA

Place the vase in bright, indirect light. Top off water as needed, replacing it completely every 1-2 weeks. Look for roots in 3-6 weeks.

LECA is an easy, foolproof way to root cebu blue pothos. Once roots emerge, pot up the new plants in well-draining soil!

Other Media

Some gardeners have success rooting pothos cuttings in media like perlite, vermiculite, and coconut coir. Prepare the media so it’s lightly moist before inserting cut stems.

Maintain humidity using a propagator or cloche. Check moisture levels every few days.

Caring for New Plants

cebu blue pothos
Leaf of tropical ‘Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue’ houseplant

Once Cebu blue pothos cuttings have developed a robust root system with 1-2 inches of new growth, transplant them into 4”-6” pots filled with a well-draining potting mix.

Fertilize sparingly at first. Gradually acclimate plants to increased light levels to avoid leaf burn. Established plants thrive in bright, indirect light.

Water when the top inch becomes dry, taking care not to oversaturate. Discard any cuttings that show signs of rot or fail to root after 8 weeks.


Issues like rot, stunted growth or yellowing leaves usually stem from improper growing conditions.

  • Standing water or overly wet soil leads to decay. Improve drainage.
  • Not enough light causes weak growth. Slowly increase sun exposure.
  • Nutrient deficiencies cause pale leaves. Apply balanced liquid fertilizer.


With a few basic supplies and proper care, you can easily create new Cebu blue pothos plants from stem cuttings. Soon your home or garden will be brimming with this gorgeous and intriguing pothos variety! Give the gift of beautiful blue pothos to your fellow houseplant enthusiasts.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take Cebu blue cuttings to root?

    How to propagate cebu blue pothos plants in mossCuttings take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months before showing signs of new root growth. Be patient!

Can Cebu blue be propagated in water?

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos in water

Yes! Propagating in clean water is a simple, effective method. Change water weekly.

Does Cebu blue grow fast?

Rooting cebu blue cuttings in LECA

It grows at a moderate pace but quicker when provided optimal sunlight, water, humidity and nutrients. Mature plants reach lengths of 3-6 feet.

Is Cebu blue rare?

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Its unique coloring and leaf patterns have made Cebu blue pothos a highly desirable houseplant. Prices are higher for mature, fully variegated specimens.

Why are the leaves on my Cebu blue turning yellow?

Propagate Cebu Blue Pothos

Yellowing typically indicates overwatering. Allow the soil to partially dry out between waterings. Insufficient light also causes chlorosis.

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