Royal Palm Care: How to Grow a Royal Palm Tree from Seed?

What is Royal Palm?

The royal palm tree, also known by its scientific name Roystonea regia, is one of the most iconic palm trees in the world. Native to Cuba, Florida, and other tropical regions, the royal palm can grow up to 100 feet tall and live over 100 years. With its smooth gray trunk and glossy, bright green fronds, it’s easy to see why the royal palm is a popular ornamental tree.

While royal palms are relatively easy to care for, getting them started from seeds requires some patience and effort. Here is a step-by-step guide to successfully grow a royal palm tree from seed.

Gathering Royal Palm Seeds

Royal Palm Care

The first step is to acquire fresh royal palm seeds. Royal palms produce yellow to brown rounded fruits that contain a single seed. The best time to harvest seeds is during summer and early fall when fruits are ripe.

You can collect fruits directly from an existing palm if you have access to one. Use caution when climbing palms and wear protective gear. Ripe fruits will detach easily when pulled. Collect fresh, undamaged fruits and extract the seeds.

Alternatively, you can purchase royal palm seeds from reputable online retailers like Amazon and eBay. Look for plump, non-shriveled seeds harvested in the current season. Avoid old, dried out seeds.

When gathering seeds from existing palms or buying seeds online, aim for genetic diversity. Mix seeds from several different parent palms for best results.

Preparing Royal Palm Seeds for Germination

Royal Palm Care

Royal palm seeds have a very hard outer shell, so they need special treatment before they will germinate. There are a few methods to prepare the seeds:

  • Mechanical scarification – Use a knife or file to carefully scratch the seed coating. Avoid cutting into the interior. Scarifying weakens the shell so moisture can penetrate.
  • Chemical scarification – Soak seeds in sulfuric acid for 10-30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. The acid wears down the tough outer layer. Use caution when handling acids.
  • Hot water treatment – Soak seeds in near-boiling 180-212°F water for 1-2 days, changing the water daily. The heat expands microscopic cracks in the shell.

Once scarified using one of these methods, royal palm seeds are ready for planting.

Planting Royal Palm Seeds

Royal Palm Care

Royal palm seeds can be planted directly outdoors or started in containers indoors.

If planting outside, choose a site with partial sun to light shade and fertile, well-draining soil. Amend sandy or clay soils with compost. In tropical climates, the summer wet season is ideal for planting.

Dig holes 1-2 inches deep and space seeds 1-3 feet apart. Place one seed in each hole on its side with the pointed end facing outward. Cover lightly with soil. Water thoroughly after planting.

For starting indoors, use 3-4 inch pots filled with a well-draining potting mix amended with perlite or coarse sand. Plant seeds just below the surface and water. Provide bright indirect light. Thin to one seedling per pot once sprouted.

Caring for Germinating Seedlings

Royal Palm Care

Royal palm seeds can take 2-6 months to germinate. Patience is key! To boost germination rates:

  • Maintain warm temperatures between 70-90°F
  • Keep seeds and soil slightly moist but not saturated
  • Use bottom heat from propagation mats or maintain pots above heat sources
  • Cover pots with plastic film to retain humidity

Check seeds frequently and remove any rotting ones immediately. Healthy sprouts will eventually emerge. Once the first frond (palm leaf) appears, growth accelerates.

Transplanting Royal Palm Seedlings

Royal Palm Care

After the first fronds form, royal palm seedlings in pots can be moved outdoors to continue growing. Gradually introduce them to direct sun over a week or two.

To transplant:

  • Select a site with partial to full sun and well-draining soil
  • Dig holes twice as wide as the root ball
  • Carefully remove from pots and place in holes, keeping soil intact
  • Backfill with native soil, tamp gently and water thoroughly
  • Construct a berm around for drainage
  • Stake for support if needed

Space transplanted royal palms 15-25 feet apart. Water deeply when the top inch of soil is dry. Apply balanced palm fertilizer monthly during the growing season.

Long-Term Royal Palm Care

Royal Palm Care

Once established, royal palm trees require minimal care. Here are some tips for keeping them healthy long-term:

  • Water deeply to saturate the root zone during dry periods
  • Apply fertilizer in spring, summer, and fall
  • Prune only dead or damaged fronds by cutting at the trunk
  • Inspect regularly for pests like palm weevils and treat as needed
  • Protect from frost and cold if temperatures drop below 40°F
  • Plant in zones 10-11 only or use containers to overwinter indoors

Left undisturbed, royal palms will thrive for decades. Palms grown from seeds develop a strong root system and are more resilient than transplanted trees. With proper germination techniques and care, starting royal palms from seeds is an extremely rewarding endeavor.


Though slow growing at first, establishing royal palm trees from seeds is a fun and rewarding project for passionate gardeners. With careful preparation, favorable growing conditions, and consistent care, seeds can flourish into beautiful, iconic royal palms. Just be sure to budget ample time and have patience with these challenging but worthwhile seeds. The results will be well worth the wait!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take for a royal palm seed to germinate?

    Royal palm seeds can take 2 to 6 months to germinate. The hard outer shell slows water absorption, so patience is required. Use scarification and warm temperatures to hasten sprouting.

  2. What is the best climate for growing royal palms?

    Royal palms require warm tropical or subtropical climates to thrive. They only grow well in USDA zones 10 and 11. Protect them from temperatures below 40°F.

  3. How much sunlight does a royal palm seedling need?

    Young royal palm seedlings do best with partial sun to light shade as they establish. Provide 3 to 6 hours of sunlight daily. Reduce exposure gradually as they mature.

  4. Should I start my royal palm seeds in pots or plant them directly outside?

    Starting in containers allows close monitoring but seeds can also be directly sown outdoors. Use pots for quicker germination or if your climate has cold winters.

  5. When should I transplant my royal palm seedlings?

    Transplant royal palm seedlings once the first frond emerges and several leaves form. Select a site in full sun with adequate spacing from other trees.

  6. How fast do royal palm trees grow from seeds?

    Once germinated, royal palms grow up to 2 feet per year when cared for properly. Maximum height ranges from 50 to 100 feet tall at maturity. Proper growing conditions will maximize growth rate.

  7. What are the best fertilizers for royal palms?

    Use a palm fertilizer with equal ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium applied monthly during the growing season. Sprinkle around the root zone instead of against the trunk.

  8. Is it hard to grow a royal palm from a seed?

    Germinating the extremely hard seeds takes patience, but royal palms are not difficult to grow once established. Use scarification, bottom heat, and proper planting techniques for best results.

  9. How do I know when my royal palm seeds are ripe for harvesting?

    Ripe royal palm fruits will fall from the tree and turn from green to yellow or brown. Fresh, undamaged fruits with little or no drying are ideal for seed harvesting.

  10. What problems should I look out for in my royal palm seedlings?

    Watch for fungal diseases, nematodes, mites, scale insects, and nutrient deficiencies. Catch issues early and treat promptly. Proper watering, light, and fertilization prevents most problems.

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