Tabernaemontana divaricata, commonly known as crepe jasmine or crape jasmine, is a popular ornamental shrub native to China. It is admired for its fragrant white pinwheel-shaped flowers that bloom from late spring through early summer. Tabernaemontana divaricata makes an excellent addition to gardens in USDA zones 8 to 11, where it thrives in warm climates. This evergreen shrub can reach heights of 6 to 10 feet at maturity.
Propagating new Tabernaemontana divaricata plants is an easy and rewarding way to multiply this beautiful shrub. This article will cover the supplies needed and step-by-step instructions for propagating Tabernaemontana divaricata from seeds, cuttings, and division. Follow the guidelines below to successfully generate new crepe jasmine plants for your garden or to share with fellow gardening enthusiasts.
Tabernaemontana divaricata is also used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating various ailments, like asthma, fever, inflammation, skin diseases, and pain in the abdomen.
Overview of Tabernaemontana divaricata

Tabernaemontana divaricata, commonly referred to as crepe jasmine or crape jasmine, is an evergreen shrub native to China and other parts of East Asia. It is a member of the Apocynaceae family and goes by several other common names including eastern bluestar, pandakaking puti, and nandyarvattam.
Some key features of Tabernaemontana divaricata:
- Grows 6-10 feet tall with an erect, vase-shaped growth habit
- Has glossy green leaves that emerge coppery-bronze in spring
- Features abundant fragrant white pinwheel shaped flowers in late spring/early summer
- Blooms on old wood so pruning should be done right after flowering
- Does best in full sun to part shade and organically rich, medium moisture, well-draining soil
- Tolerant of heat, humidity, drought, salt, and pollution once established
- Hardy in USDA zones 8-11
Tabernaemontana divaricata makes a great addition to gardens, foundations, borders, and containers. It can be grown as a small tree or pruned into a hedge or screen. The fragrant flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Supplies Needed

Before getting started with propagation, make sure you have the necessary supplies on hand:
- Sharp, clean pruning shears or knife – For taking cuttings and dividing plants
- Potting mix – Use a good quality potting soil or mix specifically for propagation
- Containers – Clean pots, trays, or cell packs for planting cuttings and seedlings
- Rooting hormone (optional) – A powder or liquid containing auxins to promote root growth
- Clear plastic bag or humidity dome – To maintain high humidity for cuttings
- Labels – For marking plants
- Water spray bottle – For misting cuttings
- Seed starting mix (for seeds) – A soilless, sterile mix for starting seeds
Methods of Propagation

There are three main methods of propagating new Tabernaemontana divaricata plants – from seeds, from cuttings, and by dividing existing plants. Each has its own advantages and considerations.
From Seed
Tabernaemontana divaricata can be grown from seed, though this method takes more time. Here’s how to propagate crepe jasmine from seed:
Collecting and Storing Seeds
- Allow a mature crepe jasmine plant to be pollinated and set seed pods in summer/fall
- Harvest seed pods when they turn yellowish-brown and start to crack open
- Carefully open pods and extract seeds which are flat and papery
- Place seeds in a paper envelope or bag, label with plant name and date
- Store in a cool, dry place for up to a year
Germinating the Seeds
- In late winter or early spring, soak seeds in warm water overnight to rehydrate
- Fill starter trays or small pots with moist seed starting mix
- Plant seeds just below the surface and lightly cover
- Maintain warm temperature around 70°F – 80°F
- Keep soil moist but not saturated
- Germination should occur in 3-8 weeks
Transplanting Seedlings
- Allow seedlings to grow to 2-3 sets of true leaves
- Transplant into 3-4 inch pots with potting mix
- Grow on at 65°F – 75°F with plenty of light
- Gradually acclimate plants to outdoor conditions
- Transplant into garden after last frost when 6-12 inches tall
Growing crepe jasmine from seed takes patience but is very rewarding. It allows you to generate many new plants for free!
From Cuttings

Taking cuttings from existing Tabernaemontana divaricata plants is the fastest and most reliable propagation method. Here’s how:
Selecting and Preparing Cuttings
- Take 4-6 inch tip cuttings from new growth in spring or summer
- Use a sharp, clean knife or pruners to make a straight cut just below a node
- Remove lower leaves leaving top 2-3 sets intact
- Optional – Dip cut end in rooting hormone to encourage root growth
Rooting the Cuttings
- Fill small pots or trays with moist propagation mix
- Poke a hole and insert the cutting so lowest leaves are just above soil
- Water lightly and cover with a plastic humidity dome or bag
- Keep out of direct sun and maintain warm temperature around 70°F
- Keep soil moist but not saturated
- Roots should develop in 4-8 weeks
Transplanting Rooted Cuttings
- Carefully remove dome once cuttings are rooted
- Transplant each cutting into a 3-4 inch pot with potting mix
- Gradually acclimate to normal indoor conditions for 2 weeks
- Transplant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed
- Water regularly until established
Taking tip cuttings is the quickest way to getidentical new Tabernaemontana divaricata plants. With proper care, success rate can be nearly 100%!
Dividing Established Plants

Mature crepe jasmine plants can also be divided to generate new plants. Here’s the process:
- Identify a healthy parent plant that is at least 3-4 years old
- In early spring before new growth emerges, dig up and divide the root ball
- Shake off excess soil and look for natural dividing points between rosette stalks
- Carefully separate into divisions using a sharp knife, ensuring each has some roots
- Replant divisions back into garden or containers
- Water well and monitor, divisions should establish quickly
- Dividing every 3-5 years rejuvenates the plant and prevents overcrowding
Dividing existing plants is an easy way to produce more crepe jasmines at no cost. It’s best done in early spring before active growth resumes.
Aftercare and Maintenance

Caring for new Tabernaemontana divaricata plants from propagation requires some patience. Follow these tips for success:
- Acclimate plants gradually before transplanting outdoors
- Water regularly to establish a deep root system
- Fertilize with a balanced organic fertilizer in spring
- Prune lightly in summer to shape as needed
- Watch for pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and scale
- Protect plants from frost and freezing in winter
- Transplant into garden once established, space 3-5 feet apart
With attentive care and proper growing conditions, propagated crepe jasmines will flourish. Expect flowers within 1-3 years from planting. Enjoy their beauty and fragrance!
Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you run into problems with propagating Tabernaemontana divaricata, here are some troubleshooting tips:
Seeds don’t germinate: Check seed viability, stratify seeds, and verify growing medium is sterile and moist.
Cuttings fail to root: Use younger growth, wounded stems, rooting hormone, and maintain warm temperature and high humidity.
Transplants are struggling: Give more filtered light, go slow on acclimation, water deeply, and correct any nutrient deficiencies.
Leggy or sparse growth: Increase sunlight exposure, use supplemental lighting, pinch stems to encourage bushiness.
Leaf yellowing: Usually indicates overwatering stress. Allow soil to dry out between waterings.
Pest problems: Isolate and treat affected plants. Maintain optimal growing conditions to avoid plant stress.
Don’t hesitate to adjust your propagation techniques as needed. Seek advice from experienced gardeners if challenges persist.

In summary, Tabernaemontana divaricata is an excellent shrub that can easily be propagated in the home garden. With a few basic supplies and proper care, new crepe jasmine plants can be grown from seeds, cuttings or divisions. Taking tip cuttings of existing plants is the fastest method to get identical new specimens. Whichever technique you choose, provide warm temperatures, high humidity, bright light and moisture retention initially. Then gradually transition the new transplants to outdoor growing conditions. In time, the rewards will be lovely, fragrant crepe jasmine plants to enhance your landscape.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best time of year to propagate crepe jasmine?

Early spring or summer is ideal, when plants are actively growing. Take cuttings from new tip growth or divide plants before new growth emerges.
How big of a cutting do I need?

Take 4-6 inch long stem tip cuttings that have 2-3 sets of leaves. Cut just below a node.
Should I use rooting hormone on the cuttings?

It’s optional, but rooting hormone helps speed up the rooting process. Dip the cut end in powder or liquid hormone.
How long does it take crepe jasmine cuttings to root?

Typically 4-8 weeks. Provide bottom heat, humidity, filtered light and keep soil evenly moist.
When can I transplant my propagated crepe jasmines?

Once well rooted, harden off cuttings for 7-14 days. Transplant into garden after all frost danger has passed.
How far apart should I space crepe jasmine plants?

Give them 3-5 feet spacing in the garden for good air circulation and light penetration.
How can I get crepe jasmine to bloom well?

Ensure the plant gets full sun to partial shade. Prune immediately after flowering. Fertilize in spring and water during dry periods.