Verbesina encelioides, commonly known as golden crown beard or wingstem, is a prolific self-seeding annual in the Asteraceae family. Native to North America, this attractive plant produces an abundance of bright yellow sunflower-like blooms late in the season when many other flowers have finished. The winged stems and lobed leaves create unique textural interest in the garden as well.
Overview of Verbesina Encelioides
Name | Verbesina Encelioides |
Common Names | Golden crownbeard, Crown-beard, Gold weed, Cowpen daisy, Butter daisy, American dogweed, Wild sunflower, and South African daisy. |
Origin | United States and Mexico |
Type | Flowering Plant |
Outdoor/Indoor | Outdoor |
Soil | Well-drained soil |
Temperature | 15°C to 32°C |
Watering | Low |
Sunlight | Full Sun |
Flowers | Yellow Flowers |
Blooming Season | Spring to Fall |
Height | 2 – 5 Feet (60cm – 150cm) |
There are several reasons you may want to propagate Verbesina encelioides. Since it self-sows so readily, it’s easy to collect fresh seeds each year for new plants. Propagating from seed allows you to produce lots of golden crown beard plants cheaply and efficiently. You can also take stem cuttings to clone existing plants. Furthermore, mature plants can be divided to rejuvenate them or create additional plants.
How to Propagate Verbesina Encelioides

Seed Propagation
Propagating Verbesina encelioides from seed is quick and easy. Here’s how to do it successfully:
Harvesting and Preparing Seeds
- Allow flower heads to fully mature and dry on the plants. Seeds are ripe when the heads turn fluffy white.
- Cut off the dried heads and place them in a paper bag. Shake the bag to separate the seeds.
- To remove chaff, pour seeds from bag onto a sheet of paper and gently blow. The chaff will blow away while the seeds remain.
- Store cleaned seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until ready to sow.
Sowing Seeds Indoors
- Fill seed trays or small pots with a light, sterile potting mix. Moisten the soil before planting.
- Plant seeds just below the surface. Space them 1⁄4-1⁄2 inch apart.
- Cover trays with plastic wrap or place in a clear plastic bag. This creates a greenhouse environment for better germination.
- Keep seed trays between 65-75°F. Germination takes 10-20 days.
- Once sprouted, remove the plastic cover and place seedlings in bright indirect light.
Transplanting Seedlings
- Thin out seedlings to the strongest 2-3 per pot.
- Gradually expose plants to outdoor conditions over 7-10 days (a process called hardening off).
- Transplant seedlings into the garden after any danger of frost has passed. Space plants 12-18 inches apart.
Cutting Propagation

Verbesina encelioides can also be propagated from tip cuttings in summer. Here’s how:
Selecting and Preparing Cuttings
- Take 4-6 inch long tip cuttings from healthy, established plants. Cut just below a leaf node.
- Remove lower leaves and flowers, leaving a few upper leaves.
- Dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder to stimulate root growth.
Rooting Cuttings in Water
- Place cuttings in a glass of water, keeping leaves above water.
- Change water every 2-3 days to prevent rotting.
- Roots should emerge in 1-3 weeks. Transplant to soil once rooted.
Rooting Cuttings in Potting Mix
- Stick prepared cuttings in pots filled with equal parts peat moss and perlite.
- Keep pots in a warm area with high humidity, such as a greenhouse or plastic tent.
- Keep soil moist but not saturated. Rooting takes 1-2 weeks.
Mature Verbesina encelioides plants can be divided in early spring or fall. Here’s the process:
When to Divide
- Divide when plants are 2-3 years old and the centers begin dying out. This stimulates new growth.
- Early spring or fall is best for division. Avoid summer heat.
How to Divide
- Water plants 1-2 days before dividing to make digging easier.
- Use a shovel or garden fork to dig up the entire plant. Shake off excess soil.
- Divide the root mass into smaller sections using your hands, knife, or saw. Each should have 3-5 stems and roots.
- Replant divisions right away into garden beds or containers. Water well.
Caring for Divided Plants
- Remove any flowers the first year so plants establish roots before blooming.
- Water frequently until new growth appears, then resume normal watering routine.
- Apply balanced fertilizer monthly to encourage new growth.
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Growing Conditions

To grow Verbesina encelioides successfully from propagated plants, provide the following ideal conditions:
- Prefers full sun – at least 6 hours of direct sun daily.
- Will tolerate light shade, but may bloom less.
- Thrives in average, well-draining garden soil.
- Avoid overly wet, poorly drained sites that cause root rot.
- Needs average moisture, at least 1″ per week.
- Reduce watering after plants become established.
- Let soil partially dry between waterings.
- Prefers warm weather, above 65°F.
- Can withstand summer heat and humidity.
- May die back after frost but regrow in spring from self-sown seeds.
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Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common problems and solutions when propagating Verbesina encelioides:
Poor Germination
- Ensure seeds are fresh – store no longer than 1 year. Old seeds lose viability.
- Provide consistent moisture to seed trays. Seeds need constant humidity to sprout well.
Leggy or Weak Seedlings
- Give seedlings more sunlight immediately after sprouting. Keep lights 2-4 inches above.
- Avoid overwatering or excessive humidity. Allow surface to partially dry between waterings.
Root Rot
- Improve drainage by amending soil with compost or sand.
- Allow soil to partially dry before watering again.
- Discard any diseased plants to prevent spreading.
Pest Problems
- Aphids, scale, whiteflies, slugs, and snails may attack. Use row covers or organic treatments as needed.
- Ensure plants have proper air circulation and avoid overcrowding.
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With its carefree growth and vibrant color, Verbesina encelioides is an outstanding addition to gardens that need late season interest. Propagating golden crown beard from seeds, cuttings, or division allows you to easily multiply this beautiful plant. Provide the right growing conditions like full sun, fertile soil, and average moisture for your propagated Verbesinas to thrive. In return, you’ll enjoy drifts of eye-catching yellow blooms when many other plants are past their prime.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do Verbesina encelioides plants live?
As short-lived perennials, most plants survive for 2-3 years in the garden before dying. However, they readily self-sow, producing new plants each year.
When is the best time to collect Verbesina seeds?
Allow flower heads to fully mature and dry out completely on the plants. Seeds are usually ripe in mid to late fall.
Should I deadhead spent Verbesina flowers?
No deadheading is needed since the dried seed heads are part of the plant’s ornamental appeal. However, you can remove them once seeds are harvested.
Is Verbesina encelioides invasive?
This prolific self-seeder can spread readily in ideal growing conditions. However, it is easy to control seedling sprouts by hand weeding unwanted areas.
What are some good companion plants for Verbesina?
Try pairing it with rudbeckias, asters, sedums, grasses, and other late season perennials that appreciate moist, well-drained sites.
Q: Is Verbesina encelioides an annual or perennial?
A: Verbesina encelioides is usually grown as an annual, but it can act as a short-lived perennial in ideal growing conditions. Most plants only persist for 2-3 years before dying.
Q: What zones is Verbesina encelioides hardy in?
A: Golden crown beard thrives in zones 5-10 as an annual. It can persist through winter in zones 7-10 but will die back after frost and regrow from self-sown seeds each spring in colder zones.
Q: What is the best way to collect Verbesina encelioides seeds?
A: Allow flower heads to fully mature and dry out on the plants. The heads will become fluffy and white when seeds are ripe, usually in mid to late fall. Cut heads off into a paper bag, then shake and blow away the chaff to separate seeds.
Q: How deep should I plant Verbesina encelioides seeds?
A: Sow seeds just below the soil surface, 1/4-1/2 inch deep. Any deeper and seeds may not germinate properly. Press seeds gently into contact with soil and keep moist until sprouting.
Q: How much sun does Verbesina encelioides need?
A: Verbesina encelioides thrives best in full sun – at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. It will tolerate partial shade but may bloom less prolifically.
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